The Moslem reality and how to deal with it

Seeing Moslems, including Afghanis, riot and destroy and cry “death to America” over one tiny (and falsely reported) incident in a prison for terrorists in Guantanamo, one is reminded of the historian J.B. Bury’s remark about the Arabs in his History of the Later Roman Empire:

… these barbarians, undesirable either as friends or foes.

How then should we deal with these people, both the Arab Moslems and the non-Arab Moslems who through Islam have imbibed Arab-style fanaticism? The outline of a sane strategy toward the Islamic world is offered in my article, “The Search for Moderate Islam, Part II: If it doesn’t exist, then what?”
Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 17, 2005 10:36 AM | Send

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