Atlas Shrugged in Zimbabwe, cont.

Nation’s Leaders Plead with John Galt:
“Come Forward and Save the Country!”
Galt Still Silent; Whereabouts Unknown

Whoops, that was fiction. Here is reality:

White farmers reject Mugabe plea to return

By Toby Harnden, Chief Foreign Correspondent, The Telegraph, May 22, 2005

White farmers evicted by Robert Mugabe’s government have reacted with contempt to an offer that they should return to Zimbabwe to take part in “joint ventures” with those who brutalised them and stole their land…

One tobacco and cattle farmer, who was forced off his property by armed squatters in 2000, said: “He can’t be serious. My house has been burnt down, my fields destroyed and he wants to invite me back?”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 23, 2005 11:37 AM | Send

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