Libertarians for border control?

Last night I received from Numbers USA a petition to sign to the president demanding that he take all necessary action to stop illegal entries into the USA. I signed the petition (you can go here to sign it yourself) and sent it to a bunch of people, including a libertarian columnist I know, who in the past had never exactly been on the restrictionist side. He wrote back:

I just signed.

A country without borders is a crossroads.

I sort of could look the other way before 9-11, but now, who knows how many of these bomb-weilding freaks have come/will come across our southern frontier, to say nothing of folks who have come in via Canada.

I shared the intelligence with a friend, who wrote:

Yes, when libertarians start looking for border control, something is happening. I don’t think Washington is going to be able to ignore this much longer.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 24, 2005 09:04 AM | Send

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