Republicans: never in the game that they think they’re in

Howard Sutherland writes:

You are on target about the filibuster. Another example of Republicans’ missing the point. If Republicans were an army, their soldiers would only carry bb guns. They are always showing up late to a game they don’t understand. Think of children showing up at half-time of a full-contact football game in t-shirts carrying a soccer ball, thinking they are on top of things and ready to play. Sorry to see that Sowell misses the point too. I had the same reaction to his column: at this point, so what?

My reply:

The only thing missing from your analogy is that the children showing up late to the football game with a soccer ball and without football uniforms are incredibly charged up and gung-ho, and act as though this game is going to be the turning point of history.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 26, 2005 06:14 PM | Send

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