Libertarian: it’s “unfair” to put men in combat and not women

Cathy Young, immigrant from the Soviet Union, libertarian ideologue, makes a seemingly logical but in fact idiotic and inhuman argument in favor of putting women in combat positions:

… The notion that women deserve special protection from violence is not just a male plot to keep women down, as many feminists charge; it is also an expression of sincere concern for women’s well-being. But such chivalry is ultimately infantilizing. On the flip side, no society dedicated to the principle of fair play can demand that men treat women as equals in all other walks of life, and then tell men their lives are more expendable.

Young is herself an argument against immigration. Can we send her back to Russia?

Am I being too harsh on her? After all, she’s only following her liberal/libertarian principles to their logical conclusion, isn’t she? But that’s why I condemn her. Libertarians only remain human to the extent that they make unprincipled exceptions to their own libertarianism. A truly consistent libertarian is a monster.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 30, 2005 08:47 PM | Send

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