L-dotters discussing Islamic danger

A thread a Lucianne.com discusses in frank terms the Islamic challenge to Europe, which certainly represents a kind of progress at that site. Another Lucianne thread discusses my article yesterday at FrontPage Magazine (which has now been renamed back to something close to its original title), “Islam and the Liberal West: A Fatal Complementarity.” That people are beginning to understand the point below makes it all worthwhile:

Reply 7—Posted by: Judy W., 6/2/2005 10:09:26 AM

He makes an excellent and necessary point: the goal of Muslims is to conquer and convert non-Muslims; our goal is to tolerate and include non-Westerners. As he puts it: they are predators, we are prey. Who is likely to win if it continues this way?

My article was also discussed at Sean Hannity’s site. The commenters seemed to understand what my theme was, that liberalism itself is leading the West to suicide at the hands of Moslems, but for the most part they seemed to reject it. One person said, the Puritans came here for religious freedom, didn’t they?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 03, 2005 06:50 AM | Send

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