Koran abuse, NOT

As is pointed out by Diana West in a devastating column, far from “abusing” the Islamist prisoners’ Korans, our guards at Guantanamo are operating under procedures which require them to treat the Koran with “respect”—and not only with “respect,” mind you, but with “reverence.” (Echoes of Bush’s twin brain, the Secretary of State, speaking of the “Holy” Koran.) But it gets worse. By commanding our servicemen to handle the Koran with surgical gloves, we are actually subscribing to the prisoners’ Moslem belief that we are “najis,” unclean, a category that includes urine, feces, pigs, dogs, and “kafirs,” i.e., infidels.

Once again, we see how world leftist opinion excoriates us as brutal and oppressive toward Moslems, when in fact we are pathetically weak and accommodating. It’s one of the endless variations of the propaganda line from the 1930s, in which Communists referred to left-liberals as “Fascists.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 14, 2005 11:59 AM | Send

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