The VFR solution to the “Koran abuse” problem

Ok, so what should we do about the handling of Islamist prisoners’ Korans? Here’s a start: we handle them no differently than we would handle Christian prisoner’s Bibles. No special “reverence.” No surgical gloves. If the prisoners complain, our guys reply: “Your ‘holy’ book tells you to kill us. We’re doing you a huge favor by even letting you keep your Korans. End of subject.”

Of course, in order for our people to be able to speak in such a way, they would first have to have a sense of themselves as “us,” as distinct from “them.” But that is the very thing that the modern American belief system makes impossible. By denying (or more subtly, by universalizing) the distinct reality of our nationhood, peoplehood, and religion, modern liberalism (and its adjunct, modern conservatism) leaves us with no recourse but to include and accommodate aliens and enemies. Which shows once again that to deal effectively with the Islamic challenge, we must cease to be liberals and become, once again, something real.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 14, 2005 12:57 PM | Send

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