Munich’s fraudulent public “debate” about construction of a mosque

An American living in Germany writes:

I attended a meeting in the Sendlinger district of Munich yesterday to hear the Bürgermeister, Christian Ude, discuss the controversy over the proposed construction of a large mosque there. The school auditorium was filled to capacity, with about 800 people, almost all residents in opposition to the project.

There were about two rows near the front containing a large contingent of Turks who acted as a cheerleading squad. They were very vocal and in high spirits because of the overwhelming support for this project from government and Christian religious officials alike. Surrounding them were literally hundreds of residents who were booing and hissing at the comments from the mayor. They reject this project. They DO NOT WANT IT. Yet, despite this, listen to what Mayor Ude had to say within minutes of taking the podium:

“The towering 100 meter high smokestacks in the background (pointing to a screen) are not minarets [thunderous applause from many in the crowd]. The actual minarets will be 15 meters shorter [than the 100 meter high smokestacks].” [Judging from the photo, they will be visible for miles.]

“We’ve had a mosque in Munich for 30 years, no one ever cared then when it was built.” [Possibly because 30 years ago, the EAD began its sinister program of transforming Europe. A mosque then was considered just another “Haus of Gott”. Jihad activities around European Mosques changed the public’s perception.]

“Christianity has had it terrible history as well.” [The crowd applauded!]

“Turkey is a democratic country.” [Yeah, just ask the Turks if they will allow a church to be built in Istanbul].

“We in Munich are conservative. If there are any problems there, we would address it.” [OK, build first, worry later about the further creation of “parallel societies.”]

“Turks have been here for more than 30 years. What right do we have to tell them they can’t build a proper place of worship?” [Bürgermeister Ude is correct. Once Europe declared, “We are a multicultural society now,” they were obligated under the unofficial law of the land, liberalism, to grant newcomers of all faiths to participate in the democratic life of Germany, even if, as in the case of Moslems, that freedom will lead directly to the further reduction of German rights and cultural identity.]

“We have never had a problem with radicals and fundamentalists in the old Mosque.”

A thousand homeowners and residents of Sendlinger turn out to discuss the mosque and what does Mayor Ude do after a longwinded praise of Munich’s Moslems? He presents a slide show incorporating other construction projects into the program and said the Mosque discussion will occur later, towards the end of the meeting, beginning at 7PM and scheduled to midnight.

A German Kindergarten, a German Kinderspielplatz (playground), and a few other generic community topics were then shown on the projector screen. He introduced another politician who began to drone on about something else entirely. The handling of this meeting appeared to water down the purpose and concerns of the hundreds present who wanted to shut down this mosque construction, not talk about playground construction. The temperature in the gym was unbearably hot, the police were in full force and a few black-clad neo-Nazis were standing silently at the rear of the auditorium in black sunglasses.

The length of the meeting, and lack of focus on the urgent subject at hand, gave me a glimpse into EU totalitarianism. The people do not want this mosque, yet the Munich officials have a meeting to “address the concerns” of the “community,” when it is clear their mind is already made up in direct opposition to the will of the people. Additionally, stall tactics and subterfuge are used to distract and demoralize the will of the people to resist.

Through this, the most animated and happy of the lot were the Turkish people present. The women in headscarves were clapping wildly at the comments of the mayor; this gave the impression of an “us versus them” mentality. And they were confident that the proceedings would go their way, as it in fact did.

In the news this morning, it was noted that a majority of the 800-plus people at the meeting were vehemently opposed to this project. I heard a man desperately assert “I will sell my house if this is allowed!”

So what was the official verdict? According to the Morning Bild Zeitung, the question is no longer if, but when. The SPD said they WILL build this. Additionally, the Bishop of Munich along with another high church official both “GIVE THE PROJECT THEIR BLESSINGS”!

So there you have it, an imprisoned population under direct subjugation of the European elites and a dhimmi clergy who are preceding full-steam ahead with the dhimmification and Islamization of Europe. This curious new form of EU “democracy” is simply not beholden to the people.

My correspondent has perfectly captured the way the left conducts meetings like this and gets its measures passed. They always manage to hold off the actual debate so that it never actually occurs, then the decision is made and they say, “It’s too late for debate, we’ve already had the debate.” It’s interesting to see that it’s done the same way in Europe.

Also, as I was reading this excellent account, I was reminded of David Horowitz’s explanation of the motivations of the anti-American left. As Horowitz has succinctly put it, the left feels that America and American power are the greatest threats to equality and peace in the world, and therefore they support anything that weakens America. Something like that would seem to explain the actions of these European officials who are so eager to have Islam take over Europe. They regard their own historic culture and civilization as a bad thing—oppressive, unequal, and so on. German elites, of course, because of the Nazi past, regard their own nationhood as a continuing danger to the world. So they support the EU, because it erases their historic culture and nationhood, and they support Islamization, for the same reason. In the end, it’s all very simple.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 17, 2005 08:57 AM | Send

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