More on Gerecht’s folly

The reader who found the Gerecht interview for me writes this (see in particular his second paragraph):

Your article is potent indeed. I think if we keep hammering away at Pipes’s “Moderate Islam is the solution” dream, he might just come around to reality. Even Gerecht said moderates are impotent in effecting any net difference in the Islamic world. If Islam ever conquered the human race, the moderate Moslems would be the next to be purged from the Ummah.

I have the impression that Gerecht’s policy advice is dangerous because it further entrenches us in the dysfunctionl nuttiness of Arab/Moslem politics/religion rather than detaches us.

We must not continue to make the Bush/Rice & Co. mistake, so elementarily obvious to any clear minded person, that Moslems of whatever ethnicity, especially Arabs and Persians, are like us. They are the counter-civilization, as diametrically different in their hardwiring from us as can be imagined. And their civilization, and societies prove it and are there for all to see as deeply flawed from the get-go. Their willingness to reform is non-existent, and their concessions are temporary pauses in their never ending lust for control intended to provide an opportunity to infiltrate and destroy the infidels—nothing more.

And Pipes and Gerecht can’t accept this FACT and they are the ones providing leadership?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 22, 2005 02:30 AM | Send

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