Moslems’ boasting of their savage cruelty didn’t start with Zarqawi

Here is an example, sent to me by Andrew Bostom, of how the religion of peace was propagated in China, as related with perverse pride by a Moslem writer (cited in W.S. Tisdall, “Islam as a missionary religion,” Moslem World, 1914, p. 193):

Mohammed Khan was a wealthy prince and a good Musalman. He persisted in following the road of justice and equity, and was so unremitting in his exertions that during his blessed reign most of the tribes of the Mongols became Musalmans. It is well-known what severe measures he had recourse to in bringing the Mongols to be believers in Islam. If for instance, a Mongol did not wear a turban, a horseshoe nail was driven into his head; and treatment of this kind was common. May God recompense him with the good!

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 25, 2005 08:59 AM | Send

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