Avoiding the “I” word

How far the “I” word is from people’s lips, even when it’s what they’re talking about. A commenter at Lucianne.com writes:

Islamism is no longer a foreign religion. It exist on every continent and is in every country in the world right along with Judism and Christianity. The Islamics are citizens of every country. Islam was born of the same source as Christianity and Judism. It is the evil triplet of the triad.

The Islamic terrorism now going on in the West is a result of multiculturism. It is only one of the many evils of multiculturism. Multiculturalism is the Trojan Horse of the West. Welcome.

See? Islamism and terrorism are here in the West and threatening us, not because millions of Moslems including jihadists and terrorists have physically entered our countries under (for the most part) the normal operation of our immigration laws, which accept people on an equal basis from every culture and country on earth, but because a leftist ideology, multiculturalism, has somehow created them out of thin air! How much easier it is to attack a leftist ideology, multiculturalism, than to attack the supposedly all-American belief, avowed by all “good” conservatives and liberals, in mass immigration.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 09, 2005 08:50 AM | Send

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