Finally, a Brit who’s not kidding himself

In the endless morass of English journalists who blather and chat on and on with nothing meaningful to say about the terrible crisis their country is in, and who apparently lack the ability to form any clear concepts of reality (an incapacity that is both a cause and a result of modern liberalism), here’s a British columnist, Daniel Johnson, who is taking a realistic look at the Moslem situation. He points out that up to one in a thousand British Moslems is prepared to commit terrorism, that up to half of the three million British Moslems will not lift a finger to stop the terrorists, and that the government sides more with the Moslems than with the public as a whole. He doesn’t have the answer yet, but he is not far from it.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 14, 2005 03:21 PM | Send

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