British Muslims’ anger at Britain

According to a must-read article in the New York Times, many British-born Muslims have a burning hostility against Britain, as shown by their expressed “understanding” of the anger that drove the London suicide bombers. To describe this as assimilation in reverse would be an understatement. Yet it was all completely predictable. The people of the immigrant generation know themselves to be immigrants, not British, and so are not concerned about the question of identity, and in any case are too busy working and making a living in their new country to spend too much time thinking about it. Their children are born and raised in Britain, yet realize that they are not really British but Muslim. In painfully looking for an identity in this land where they were born but don’t belong, they recoil back to Islam and adhere to it more strongly than their parents ever did, even calling for the re-imposition of the Caliphate which will rule the whole world including Britain. Naturally, when any particular difference arises between Britain and Islam, such as the war with Al Qaeda, it only feeds their sense of grievance against their native land.

The only way to have avoided this hideous problem of British Muslims who hate Britain would have been not to admit Muslims into Britain in the first place. The only way to solve the problem now is to return the Muslims from Britain back to their ancestral lands, where the ordeal of identity—and the extremism that often results from that ordeal—will not afflict them.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 16, 2005 12:31 PM | Send

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