Unclean things according to Iraqi Shi’ites

While the Iraqis are busy drafting the constitution for a state under the totalitarian sharia law, a process made possible by President Bush’s democratization of Iraq, bought at the cost of almost 2,000 Americans killed and thousands more injured and maimed, let us remember what the leading Shi’ite figure in Iraq, Ayatollah Sistani, thinks about us. Go to this page at Sistani’s website, open the list and click on “najis things.” Najis means that which is unclean. Kafir means infidel:

The following ten things are essentially najis:

Dead body
Alcoholic liquors
The sweat of an animal who persistently eats najasat.

At least now we know why Sistani refused to meet with Paul Bremer during the entire year that Bremer was in charge of the country.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 01, 2005 02:30 PM | Send

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