Who’s unclean?

The Ayatollah Sistani’s list of “najis”—unclean—things, includes, along with feces and urine, kafirs (i.e., us) and dogs. To which Spencer Warren retorts:

The fact that the “religion of peace” demeans the NOBLE DOG as it does demonstrates that it itself is backward, primitive and inhumane, and has no place in our tender land.

In fact, when one considers the enormous efforts of many thousands of volunteers to care for dogs, cats, and other needy animals in shelters and refuges in this country and others (which I support and where I volunteer, though less than the truly great people), and when one contrasts this spirit of Judeo-Christian charity toward these precious animals with Islam’s contemptuous, cruel, primitive attitude toward them, that alone condemns Islam in the strongest terms.

In this connection, we should remember those great Early Renaissance paintings of the infant Jesus in the manger surrounded not only by his parents and the shepherds and the angels, but by animals, cows, and sheep, with their wonderful sweet expressions. The animals are also transformed by Christ, they also partake in his love.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 02, 2005 11:44 AM | Send

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