It’s our fault, part two

Western liberals believe it’s “our fault,” i.e., that our nativist prejudices and insufficient efforts to be friendly and compassionate toward the Muslims in our countries are responsible for the suspicion, resentment, and terrorism directed by the Muslims at ourselves, and therefore the solution is for us to work even harder at overcoming our prejudices and to reach out to the Muslims even more.

Now, the liberals are absolutely correct that the unprecedented hostility expressed by the Muslim residents of the West toward ourselves is our fault, but the nature of the fault is the exact opposite from what the liberals believe it to be. We face these unappeasable Muslims in our society because we lacked the normal prejudices that we should have had against our age-old enemies, because we were far too friendly to them, because we admitted them en masse within our borders and bestowed upon them all the rewards of conspicuous compassion and multicultural acceptance. And therefore the solution is for us to cease being so accepting of the Muslims and start excluding them once again.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 02, 2005 06:57 PM | Send

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