How to preserve our liberty and our safety?

At the American Spectator website, Jed Babbin writes:

Last week, while subbing for Hugh Hewitt on his radio show, I opened the phones to ideas on how we can both preserve our rights to free speech and protect ourselves from those, such as Naseem, who use the cover of their religion to advocate the terrorists’ dogmas. We made little progress because people really haven’t thought enough about how we can do that. We need to have that debate now and reduce its conclusions to legislative action.

Babbin means well, but ultimately he is trying to square the circle. As long as our enemies are within our society as our fellow residents and citizens, the security measures we will need to protect ourselves from them must reduce our legitimate liberties. As long as we have a large population of Muhammad’s followers living among us, then, whether through their gaining power, or through our taking steps to protect ourselves from the prospect of their gaining power or otherwise harming us, we must lose our normal liberties and become increasingly brutalized.

With regard to the Muslim threat, then, there is only one way to preserve our liberties and our safety. The Muslims must cease to live in significant numbers among us.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 09, 2005 02:32 AM | Send

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