No place for conservatives at

A reader writes:

These latest reports about the Roberts nomination are indeed chilling. I just can’t imagine a true conservative helping the homosexual agenda. Unfortunately at “” there are many “moderate/ pro-gay rights” Republicans and I felt forced to stop submitting conservative comments on that website … too many “Redstaters” against me! So although Republicans tend to win elections, I feel the country in general keeps drifting aimlessly to the left with no moral compass. I believe our country is dying.

My reply:

I think you’ve really captured what’s happening: “red state” is supposed to mean conservative. But red state actually means support for Bush. Bush actually means drifting steadily to the left and betraying conservative principles. So a red state ascendancy—and—means the exclusion of conservatives.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 10, 2005 12:03 AM | Send

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