More insights about conservative dhimmitude

Expanding on my comment that the relation of conservatives to liberals is as that of dhimmis to masters, Carl Simpson writes:

That’s a tremendous observation. The folks who represent conservatism here in the U.S. (Republicans) and in the UK (Tories) consistently demonstrate dhimmi-like behavior towards liberals. The whole Roberts affair is a perfect example. Here we have an attorney whose entire career seems designed to avoid any sort of paper trail or statement that liberals would find offensive. No remarks about the lawlessness of numerous SCOTUS rulings, just comments about how this or that matter is settled law. Ginsburg and Breyer certainly didn’t have to hide their outright leftism in Clinton’s term. They were unabashedly leftist—and the Dhimmis in the Senate voted to confirm without a whimper.

When it surfaces that this supposed Scalia-like conservative performed crucial pro-bono work for the Lambda Legal Defense Fund, a very well-heeled hardcore leftist organization, to overturn the referendum (Romer v. Evans) in Colorado and subsequently tried to sweep this little fact under the rug, what do we hear from the conservatives? “Oh, he really didn’t mean it”, “We can count on W”, blah-blah-blah. Jerry Falwell, the guy who stated that 9/11 was divine punishment for all of the rampant homosexuality, now solemnly intones his support for gay rights on TV! I would not be the least surprised if Judge Roberts—supposed strict originalist—is the one who finally discovers the inalienable right to gay marriage lurking among the penumbras and emanations of the constitution.

George W. Bush is the “court Jew”—the chief dhimmi—to liberalism’s Caliphate. In five years or less, we’ll get to see all of the dhimmis celebrating homosexual marriage as a stabilizing, “conservative” influence, in much the same manner they celebrate the communist fellow traveller MLK as a major Christian conservative icon today. It’s a wonderful analogy: liberals as the Muslim overlords and “conservatives” as their simpering, groveling dhimmis.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 11, 2005 04:37 PM | Send

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