What we must do, and cease doing

A reader writes:

Your point here:

“Yes, we must speak the truth about them [the Muslims], but that is for OUR sake, not for theirs, both to enlighten ourselves about their nature and the ineluctable threat they pose, AND to inform them that we understand the threat they are to us and that this is why we must take the actions we must take. I believe in maximum clarity on these issues. But it is not in the hope of changing them. It is in the hope of changing ourselves, so that we will take action to save ourselves.”

— is excellently made. We must speak the truth about Islam so that we might understand for ourselves what it is and why we cannot tolerate it.

I like the reader’s formulation, “We cannot tolerate Islam.” That really boils it down, doesn’t it?

Yet how do we arouse ourselves against Islam, and at the same time not be distracted from the immigration invasion as a whole?

Truly, as Psalm 40 says, “… innumerable evils have compassed me [us] about … “

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 14, 2005 06:30 PM | Send

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