Jews and Muslims—the ultimate double standard

Isn’t it amazing that the Jews, who have not, with the exception of a couple of local revolts and wars of national survival, been a warlike people since the days of the Maccabees 2200 years ago, and whose religion is insular rather than crusading, have been said from Roman times to our own day to be a people at war with mankind; while the Muslims, who are commanded in the strictest terms by their religion to wage jihad against all non-Muslims and strike off the heads of all non-believers until the whole of humanity is subordinated under the totalitarian rule of Islam, are not said to be at war with mankind? Instead, the Muslims have been consistently romanticized—the Bedouin sheikh, the exotic mysteries of the seraglio, the Golden Age of the Abbadids, the Tolerant Pluralist Paradise of Muslim Spain, the Religion of Peace….

How did these world-crushing barbarians, of whom the historian J.B. Bury said they were undesirable either as friends or foes, get such a good rep? Would someone explain this to me?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 14, 2005 06:27 PM | Send

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