Reader responses

I’m pleased that my article at The American Thinker, “Global Democratization: The Unasked Questions,” has struck a chord with readers. Here’s a sampling of mail:


Very well done. I think it is huge mistake for the Bush administration to sell ‘democracy in our time’ in Iraq to the American people. Excellent job.

very nice article…

Great piece.

Great article.

Well written and congrats on the posting at the new web site.

It’s pellucid.

Your logic is brilliant and irrefutable!

I just want to add that if this article seems particularly logical or clear it’s because of the quote from Norman Davies (sent to me by a reader) with which the piece begins. Davies sums up the problem of democracy in a way that perfectly fits and explains the present mess in Iraq (a democracy of liberal people will be liberal, a democracy of cannibals will be cannibalistic, and a democracy of Shi’ites will be Shi’ite), and my article unfolded out of that simple but crucial insight. It was completed in about three hours.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 17, 2005 10:42 PM | Send

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