More on Bush’s liberal non-judgmentalism

Regarding my article, “To make Iraq seem better, Bush/Rice make America seem worse,” a reader writes:

The statements by Bush and Rice are Liberalism 101. Anytime you criticize America today, they throw that at you. “America in the past was a racist, sexist country,” a liberal will say. Our Great Conservative President and his Secretary of State take this exact position like the liberals they are.

Also, recall Bush’s speech in Africa. This has become an act of contrition which will be expected of every President from now on.

My reply:

Right. We’re sexist and racist, SO WHO ARE WE TO JUDGE?

Isn’t this incredible? On one hand, we have taken upon ourselves the messianic task of spreading God’s truth of democracy and freedom to all the world. On the other hand, we’re no better than any other country, just maybe a little further advanced from the darkness and hatred of the ages.

So, we’re both the messiah nation, and we’re a racist and guilty nation.

Sounds just like Clinton.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 19, 2005 09:46 AM | Send

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