Yobs and jihadists, two symptoms of the same disease

From the Scotsman comes this report:

The rise of so-called “yob culture” is the major concern in the UK and is the single biggest factor most responsible for fuelling fear about crime, according to a new report out today. Research found a third of the public were worried about street thugs and anti-social behaviour, with four in ten women claiming they never feel safe enough to walk the streets at night.

It is not irrelevant that the European country with the most decadent culture, Britain, is also the European country that has been the most tolerant of the anti-Western jihadists and pro-terrorists in its midst. As I wrote in Erasing America:

[O]ur failure to resist the mass influx of culturally incompatible peoples from outside our borders is part of the same self-destructive process as our failure to resist a host of disordered behaviors occurring within our borders, and within ourselves. Our loss of the will to defend our nationhood, and our loss of the will to make judgments about right and wrong, are symptoms of the same disease.

Let us also not forget that for the last eight years Britain has been governed by a cultural leftist whose announced mission in life is to “sweep away all those forces of conservatism.” The task had been proceeding quite nicely, thank you, until he was brought up short (but only temporarily, we may be sure) by the events of 7/7, which made it too palpably clear what “sweeping away all those forces of conservatism” really means.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 19, 2005 02:49 PM | Send

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