Another Bush supporter who Has Had It

David Frum printed this letter from a long-time stalwart Bush supporter from Nevada who says he has finally turned against Bush over the immigration issue. Far from disagreeing with the correspondent, Frum replied by expressing his heartfelt thanks for the high quality letters he has been getting from his readers lately.

I think the pivotal point among some conservatives has been Mr. Bush’s reaction to the London bombings.

Clearly, it is now no longer subject to intellectual debate whether al Quaeda has cells operating in western countries. True, the UK has made themselves the most opportune target.

But the fact remains that there are cells, and we have a president who is championing open borders. Not just lax immigration policy, but a policy of actively denigrating and ridiculing those citizens who want the federal government to do the job it is allocated in the US Constitution: defend the borders.

Now we have the Democrats seizing upon this undefended political plank: Hillary, the governors of Arizona and New Mexico and the polling arm of the DNC all realize that the GOP, and Mr. Bush especially, have left the DNC a huge opening to exploit with the public. After 7/7, there’s been a big jump in the public realization that we’re quite likely going to see domestic bombings in our malls, our cities, our public square.

Mr. Bush simply won’t recognize this attitude shift, because the GOP has been (since 1992) deliberately ignoring this concern from their base.

As such, even I am no longer a Bush supporter. Voted for the man twice and have defended him against absurd charges from the lunatic left for five years. I’ve gritted my teeth and kept silent when he’s failed to veto even the most absurd Congressional largess with the taxpayer’s monies. I fumed in silence when he passed the travesty that is campaign finance reform (aka McCain-Feingold), which is clearly unconstitutional. I’ve even kept silent when he keeps dispensing such silly bromides as “Islam is a religion of peace” (which it clearly isn’t, for anyone who has read the Koran and the commentary on same).

But in the end, a man has to know his limitations. And I’ve exceeded mine.

From another letter to Frum, dealing with Bush’s failures of leadership in Iraq:

And how about what Bush said after the 7/7 bombings in London? ‘The way to stop the threat to our cities here is to capture the terrorists over there.’ My God, how could he say such a thing in a country that has just been hit by INTERNAL terror? And how can he continue to justify leaving our borders wide open to more terrorists coming in to wreak havoc on the US?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 27, 2005 01:21 PM | Send

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