VFR recommends Raimondo column

Justin Raimondo is someone I normally never read and would not recommend. He is a hate-filled, poison-spewing ranter who will attack his chosen enemies for any reason, veering from one personal attack to another that contradicts the first, his only rule being to keep attacking. He does some of that in his August 29 column, “The War Party Unhinged.” Yet, with those qualifications stated, and with the reader equipped with heavy protective gear, there is enough truth in the piece to make it worth reading. Raimondo interestingly compares the creation of a sharia-based constitution in Iraq to the Hitler-Stalin pact when Communists either did a 180 degree reversal and supported the pact, or opposed it and left the party. He compares the neoconservatives, such as Michael Ledeen and R. Marc Gerecht, to the former, and the pro-war liberal internationalists, such as Christopher Hitchens and Paul Berman, to the latter.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 29, 2005 08:33 AM | Send

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