As New Orleans dies, California Senate passes homosexual marriage bill

SACRAMENTO, Calif. Sep 1, 2005—The state Senate approved legislation Thursday that would legalize same-sex marriages, a vote that makes the chamber the first legislative body in the country to approve a gay marriage bill.

The 21-15 vote sets the stage for a showdown in the state Assembly, which narrowly rejected a gay marriage bill in June.

“Equality is equality, period,” said one of the bill’s supporters, Democratic Sen. Liz Figueroa.

Now let’s think. An unprecedented catastrophe, a disaster of biblical proportions, has just hit an American city, a city that is famous, moreover, for its easy embrace of immorality and its public celebrations of homosexuality. And the California Senate chooses this moment to legalize homosexual “marriage,” thus completing, in the name of liberal equality, the official destruction of traditional morality in this country. It would be as if the people of Gommorah, on seeing Sodom destroyed by a rain of fire and brimstone from heaven, immediately got together and, while the smoke was still rising from the ruins of Sodom, passed a gay marriage bill.

May we conclude that the California legislators just don’t get it?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 01, 2005 04:21 PM | Send

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