FEMA head “frustrated” and “heartbroken” by looting

Mike Brown, the head of FEMA, says he did not anticipate that looting and lawlessness might occur after a major disaster. That’s a liberal for you, permanently in denial of the realities of human criminality and savagery in general, and of the behavior of lower-class blacks in particular, and so forever incapable of effectively protecting society from them.

“Before the hurricane struck I came down here personally and rode the storm out in Baton Rouge,” he said. “We had all of our rescue teams, the medical teams, pre-deployed, ready to go. … The lawlessness, the crime that is occurring, did surprise us.”

Appearing on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” the FEMA director said he “never thought I’d see” the lawlessness that has overtaken the city and interrupted emergency relief efforts. “It’s heartbreaking and very, very frustrating to me from a broad operational perspective,” he said.

“What we have right now is a situation where, with my having access to the military, bringing in the National Guard troops, securing the area, we’ll be able to continue the relief efforts that we have been doing over the last several days,” Brown added. “We’ll be able to ramp those up and continue the evacuation.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 02, 2005 11:09 AM | Send

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