Heart of Darkness

With my jaw open, I’m reading this story I found at Michelle Malkin’s site:

Doctors at two desperately crippled hospitals in New Orleans called The Associated Press Thursday morning pleading for rescue, saying they were nearly out of food and power and had been forced to move patients to higher floors to escape looters.

Is this real? What are looters expecting to get in a hospital? Or are they just looking to wreak mayhem for the fun of it? This is sounding like a outbreak of all-out, African-style savagery. (According to Mayor Nagin, the looters invading hospitals are drug addicts looking for drugs; but would they know how to find and identify the drugs they want?)

Even hardened racial realists will have difficulty taking in the following:

Richard Zuschlag, president of Acadian Ambulance Service Inc., described the chaos at a suburban hospital.

“We tried to airlift supplies into Kenner Memorial Hospital late last evening and were confronted by an unruly crowd with guns, and the pilots refused to land,” he said.

“My medics were crying, screaming for help. When we tried to land at Kenner, my pilots got scared because 100 people were on the helipad and some of them had guns. He was frightened and would not land.”

Then this:

Later Thursday, one of the hospital’s doctors told CNN that a sniper had opened fire outside Charity as National Guard vehicles prepared to evacuate patients.

It seems we have our home-grown al Qaeda allies.

Here’s more on the general state of the hospitals:

Earlier, McSwain described horrific conditions in his hospital.

“There is no food in Charity Hospital. They’re eating fruit bowl punch and that’s all they’ve got to eat. There’s minimal water,” McSwain said.

“Most of their power is out. Much of the hospital is dark. The ICU (intensive care unit) is on the 12th floor, so the physicians and nurses are having to walk up floors to see the patients.”

Dr. Lee Hamm, chairman of medicine at Tulane University, said he took a canoe from there to the two public hospitals, where he also works, to check conditions.

“The physicians and nurses are doing an incredible job, but there are patients laying on stretchers on the floor, the halls were dark, the stairwells are dark. Of course, there’s no elevators. There’s no communication with the outside world,” he said.

“We’re afraid that somehow these two hospitals have been left off … that somehow somebody has either forgotten it or ignored it or something, because there is no evidence anything is being done.”

Hamm said there was relief Wednesday as word traveled throughout University Hospital that the National Guard was coming to evacuate them, but the rescue never materialized.

“You can imagine how demoralizing that was,” he said.

Throughout New Orleans, the death, destruction and depravity deepened even as the hurricane waters leveled off.

[And here the story repeats a quote that was published yesterday] “Hospitals are trying to evacuate,” said Coast Guard Lt. Cmdr. Cheri Ben-Iesan, spokesman at the city emergency operations center. “At every one of them, there are reports that as the helicopters come in, people are shooting at them. There are people just taking pot shots at police and at helicopters, telling them, ‘You better come get my family.’”

As the helicopters come in to rescue some people, armed black thugs fire at the helicopters, apparently out of rage over the fact that their own families haven’t yet been rescued. But if the helicopters are being fired at, or are brought down by gunfire, they won’t be able to rescue anyone. These are the sorts of calculations that don’t occur to the savage mind. As in Zimbabwe, the savages immediately destroy the very goods that they seize at the point of a gun.

The savagery in New Orleans is an apt symbol of contemporary U.S. race relations, in which black leaders and activists demand, as a sacred right, all kinds of special aid and solicitude for blacks from white America, while they simultaneously demonize and wage war against white America—and, moreover, white America lets them get away with it.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 02, 2005 01:23 PM | Send

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