More destructive than ever

I thought the left and even the “mainstream” liberal press had reached a new level of insanity in their embrace of Cindy Sheehan, but in the last week they’re reached yet a new level of destructive insanity. They are literally unable to discuss any real problem in a responsible way. Their only interest in any subject is how they can use it to attack Bush. What this means is that a very large part of the brains of the country, such as they are, instead of being devoted to solving problems or conveying useful information, are devoted to solely to harming Bush. So, for example, you open a column by some reputable columnist hoping to get useful information on New Orleans, and all you get is Bush bashing.

At a certain point, this leftist destructiveness, just by itself, even without considering all our other terrible problems, could be enough to make the country incapable of functioning. Can we see this madness ever ending?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 04, 2005 12:46 PM | Send

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