Katrina: a typical Third-World event

It is a truism that the event I’ve called the “perfect (cultural) storm” is unprecedented in America. But let’s be clear that it’s only unprecedented for America and other Western countries. Elsewhere, it’s all-too-familiar: a terrible natural phenomenon hitting a community with a poor, disfunctional population and a disfunctional government. It happens in places like Bangladesh all the time, resulting in massive loss of human life. In other words, what has happened in New Orleans over the past week was a typical Third World event. What is new is that we now have the Third World in America, thanks to the production of an incompetent and dependent black population via welfare and the legitimization of illegitimacy; the empowerment of black and female “leaders” in positions for which they’re not qualified; and a culture of non-judgmentalism and non-accountability made necessary by these and related phenomena. Do you (whatever your race and sex) want to continue living in a First-World society? Then get rid of liberal egalitarianism, and leave white men in charge. They’re not perfect, of course, but when it comes to the qualities of mind and will needed for the organization and leadership of society, they are an order of magnitude higher in their functioning than blacks and women.

This is not an argument for white or white-male “superiority.” I have never used the words “superiority” and “inferiority” in a racial context. Human beings are far too flawed to think of any human group as being innately “superior.” Nevertheless, groups vary markedly in their civilizational abilities and aspirations, and these differences matter.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 04, 2005 07:17 PM | Send

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