The Crescent of Desolation

In her e-mail list, Ruth King writes about the “Crescent of Embrace”:

This is absolutely outrageous. I want a memorial to the passengers who fought the highjackers.

My reply:

I’ll call them too. And I think it will be stopped.

But, as I said, seen from the point of view of our present society, it’s not an outrage, it’s simply the only way modern liberal people (and all modern people are basically liberals) can articulate any issue, which is global, open, inclusive. To assert “us” versus “them” is closed and intolerant, the very thing that must be overcome.

That’s why I say that only a principled renunciation of modern liberalism can really change things. As long as liberalism remains our dominant belief system, atrocities such as this memorial will be the norm.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 10, 2005 05:48 PM | Send

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