Those who leaped to their death on 9/11

The most stunning and heartrending thing about the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 was the people who jumped to their deaths from the upper stories of the North Tower (though there were a few, I’m just now finding out, who leaped from the South Tower as well).

What is the most frightening thought we can have? The thought of falling from a great height, of suddenly leaving the solidity and security of this world and of our own bodies and lives and falling helplessly out of this world to our extinction. What could be a greater, more inconceivable nightmare than to fall from a 1,000 foot high building, among the highest in the world? Yet these people, facing unbearable smoke and heat from inside the building, chose the unimaginable, they chose to propel their bodies out into space 1,000 feet up in the air. Their souls are in a special place in heaven.

The evil news media have, of course, suppressed images of 9/11, including images of the jumpers, out of a treasonous agenda not to remind us that we have enemies. Michelle Malkin has posted many photos on this day of remembrance, and linked this extraordinary montage and story, the most complete story I’ve seen on the leapers. (As of 10 a.m. Monday morning, this site has been disabled.) One looks at these shots as at something sacred.

Jumping from the upper stories, it took them about ten seconds, during which they were conscious, to hit the earth, at a speed of 150 miles an hour. Yet, in the photos, the falling people seem strangely graceful and composed. One feels that, instead of simply plunging in a blind rush toward non-being, their souls are already moving upward.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 11, 2005 10:13 AM | Send

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