What would Washington have thought? And said? And done?

Joel LeFevre writes:

In a letter written to James Madison on Nov. 5, 1786, after Shay’s Rebellion had been put down, General Washington wrote with alarm that “We are fast verging to anarchy and confusion!”

What would he say if he were here to witness this latest grotesque display? One thing is certain, his response would have been far different from the kid-gloves approach taken by those who are too timid to enforce order where blacks are concerned.

In the same letter the General also wrote that, “Without some alteration in our political creed, the superstructure we have been … raising at the expence of so much blood and treasure, must fall.”

History is repeating itself, only on a different scale. Unless there is a great change in the reigning political creed, unless we renounce the ideologies of liberalism, multiculturalism, and racial equalitarianism that have turned our once great Republic into this house of cards, then the New Orleans disaster is merely a portent of things to come.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 12, 2005 10:10 PM | Send

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