NR supports Bush’s big-government conservatism

The editor of National Review, Richard Lowry, supports President Bush’s proposal to spend $500 million for vouchers to allow poor children displaced by Hurricane Katrina to attend private schools. Lowry complains that Democrats oppose this. Does that mean that no Republicans do? It seems to me that whenever such schemes have been proposed at the state or local level they have been rejected by middle class whites who didn’t want their decent private schools being sucked into a government system and ruined by an influx of minorities.

After all these years, it’s still difficult to adjust to a National Review that is edited by someone who, though now in his late 30’s and a competent writer, remains basically a Beltway reporter with no discernible intellectual or philosophical formation. Just as it’s still difficult to adjust to the fact that the main figure at National Review’s online edition is a creature named “Jonah.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 22, 2005 02:00 AM | Send

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