The Third-Worldization of London

An English reader writes:

Your posting today from an American living in London is true. I live there myself and see the absolute disintegration of the city into a Third World cesspit. This has already happened in areas like Wembley, Southall, East Ham (Indian areas), Soho (Chinese), Peckham, Brixton (African, Black). However it is now spreading to the better areas. Almost all the good shops in Kensington High St are closing- Barkers a quality department store of 150 years standing is closing along with many others. Harvey Nicholls and Harrods are both owned by foreigners (Chinese and Arab). Both are now disasters. The former has been reported in the Daily Mail to be a venue for prostitution run mainly by Eastern Europeans and the latter resembles an Egyptian bazaar. Restaurants are closing fast and the whole city just seems to be falling apart.

Teachers say schools are disintegrating as there are children speaking 57 different languages and no English. Teachers cannot cope. Hospitals are closing wards. Meanwhile Third Worlders and Eastern Europeans continue to pour in. The Chinese and the Muslims don’t mix. The blacks and Asians are everywhere and the English have just totally lost the plot. Brainwashed by pro-immigrant propaganda, they are revelling in diversity as their country collapses. People are moving out of central London and into the suburbs.

It is unbelievable how rapidly this has happened. It is incredible that English people allow some of their best jobs to go to (often incompetent foreigners) and allow them to pursue their own agendas. The worst thing is that no-one seems to be facing up to the reality of the situation and doing anything about it.

I was last in London in 1996, and at that time was struck by the fact that London was more like New York, in being a racially diverse, Third-Worldized city, than unlike New York, in being English rather than American. Diversity makes all places the same. It is the Second Law of Thermodynamics as applied to race and culture.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 22, 2005 12:42 PM | Send

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