Guilty Whites

My article, “Guilty Whites: Why whites accept the charge of racism,” is published today at FrontPage Magazine.

Also, in today’s lead article at FrontPage, “Symposium: Katrina, Race and Silence,” the main focus of the discussion is Jared Taylor’s article, “Africa in our Midst: Lessons from Katrina,” with the symposium participants responding to Taylor one way or another. While FrontPage distances itself from what it characterizes as Taylor’s “racist” conclusions, it also gives him credit for being the only writer in the country who has brought out the full extent of the criminal mayhem by blacks that made the New Orleans disaster so much worse, even as black America, backed by the media, was absurdly blaming the disaster on white racism.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 30, 2005 06:28 AM | Send

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