Another illegal alien kills another American

Williamsburg, Virginia, cradle of our liberties, where Patrick Henry, George Mason, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and a galaxy of giants gave birth to America, is now a place where a deaf, dumb Salvadoran illegal alien named Oswaldo Martinez allegedly grabbed, choked, raped, and murdered 16-year-old Brittany Binger. Martinez can’t be put on trial because he has no communication skills, knows no English, and seems not to understand even why he is under arrest. The state will have to hold him indefinitely, while it attempts to teach him enough language abilities so that he will be able to undergo trial.

That creature’s presence in this country, and his alleged rape and murder of that girl, is a direct result of our current belief in unrestrained individual freedom as our highest value—the perversion, but perhaps also the ultimate end, of the liberty those Virginians spoke and fought for 230 years ago.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 30, 2005 10:15 PM | Send

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