Identity politics for bloggers

The wildly excessive mutual praise among “conservative” Republican establishment bloggers is a well known phenomenon, but Republican blogger Ed Morrissey at Captain’s Quarter’s blog has taken the collective self-esteem act to new heights. He’s just proposed that the governor of Minnesota appoint Republican blogger Scott Johnson of Powerline for chief justice of the Minnesota Supreme Court. And then, as though not wanting to offend any of his fellow bloggers by touting one of them too highly, he adds that John Hinderaker, Johnson’s partner at Powerline, “would make a pretty darned good selection as well, Governor, for all the same reasons.”

Gosh, why stop at the Minnesota Supreme Court? What about the Supreme Court of the United States? After all, if evangelical Christians deserve to have one of their own on the Court, why not conservative bloggers?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 15, 2005 01:20 PM | Send

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