Litmus test discovered

I think we may have found a fool-proof litmus test of whether a person is a conservative in name only. If a person who calls himself a conservative supports Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court, we can say with 100 percent certainty that he is not a conservative, but a “conservative.”

At the same time, opposing Miers doesn’t require that her opponents disseminate untrue and palpably absurd things about her. Readers have told me that she contributed to Al Gore in 2000. This seemed highly unlikely, given her closeness to George W. Bush at that time. I asked my correspondents for a link backing up their claim, and they didn’t get back to me. So I used google and in 20 seconds had an answer. According to a listing of all her campaign contributions, Miers gave $1,000 to Gore during the 1988 primaries, not in 2000. Let us also remember that in ’88 Gore was touted as a moderate, pro-defense Democrat.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 15, 2005 04:18 PM | Send

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