See no (not-white) evil; hear no (non-white) evil; speak no (non-white) evil

Blacks and Pakistanis rioted against each other in Birmingham, England, two people were murdered, and mainstream Britain doesn’t want to think about it, writes Melanie Phillips. She understands the reasons well:

The cult of multiculturalism holds that all minorities are victims of the majority, and therefore minorities must always be blameless. When two minorities start beating each other up, therefore, politically correct Britain is paralysed. By definition, it cannot divide up the actors in the drama into good guys and bad guys. There can be no minority bad guys. It dare not investigate what actually happened, who started it and who was to blame because no minority can ever be blamed without incurring the dreaded labels of ‘racism’ and ‘prejudice’. Furthermore, the fact that Pakistanis were involved adds a further radioactive dimension. For Pakistani, read ‘Muslim’ —and that’s a road down which the media’s finest refuse to travel, for fear of what they might be forced to discover and the consequences for them that might follow.

Such a cogent analysis of the racial double standard by a mainstream columnist represents a step forward in articulating the deadly racial trap that liberalism has constructed for the West. Sadly, Philips is an almost unique voice in her critical writings about the Islamic and non-European challenge in Britain. Yet one wonders, even if there were 50 Melanie Phillipses, would their influence help turn the situation around? Complaints about the double standard change nothing. Conservatives must have their own vision of society to hold up as an alternative to the leftist multicultural vision. But contempoary conservatives have no such vision, they only have a somewhat older version of liberalism, which sees society as consisting of individuals and their rights, rather than as consisting (as the multiculturalists see it) of diverse racial groups and their privileges. Without a concrete sense of their own culture, people, nation, and civilization that pre-existed the influx of the non-Westerners, the men of the West will remain helpless, kvetching rather than resisting.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 28, 2005 08:23 AM | Send

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