The Bushite response to terror in India

Terrorist bomb explosions in New Delhi markets have killed at least 50 people. There are indications it is an Al Qaeda job.

Ed Morrissey at Captain’s Quarters has the stock Bushite/liberal solution ready at hand:

The only understanding that will solve this problem will be the long-term strategy of denying them the desperate and the hopeless recruits that come from the oppressive tyrannies and kleptocracies in the region and spreading democracy. That’s why Brent Scowcroft and his decades-long pursuit of stability diplomacy in the Middle East is terribly wrong and in fact created the sitution in which we find ourselves. We allowed massive oppression in the name of “stability” ever since we discovered cheap oil under Arab sands. All that has brought is misery and radicalism. [Italics added.]

Captain Ed seems to have no knowledge of the 1,400 year-old teachings of Islam, which commands death to non-believers, and of the several centuries of the Muslim conquests and depredations of India (the beginnings of which predated Al Qaeda by over a thousand years) during which perhaps a hundred million Hindus were killed and vast parts of India were laid waste. It is Islam that is the cause of jihadist terrorism, not misery and poverty and lack of democracy. And even if misery and poverty and lack of democracy were the cause, we don’t have the ability to turn Muslim societies into prosperous egalitarian democracies. The attempt alone would require a war to the death with Islam. Why do I say this? As long as you think that jihadism is limited to a minority of “radical” Muslims, it makes sense to think that a campaign of democratization can liberate and transform the Muslim world. But when you realize that democratization would be an attack, not just on the radicals, but on Islam itself, then you realize that such an effort, far from pacifying the Muslim world, would rouse it to new heights of jihad, because Muslims would see that their religion was being threatened with extinction.

Since Islam and democracy are mutually exclusive, you can only democratize the Muslim world by eliminating Islam. President Bush and his supporters do not understand this, because of their ignorance of Islam’s core jihadist teachings, and their incorrect assumption that most Muslims are “moderates” who long for freedom and democracy. In reality, there is and can be no such thing as a moderate Islam or an Islam that is compatible with democracy. Therefore the solution is not to democratize the Muslim world, which is impossible, but to contain and isolate it, which is possible.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 29, 2005 01:50 PM | Send

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