Multiculturalism in action

Here’s a real story of multiculturalism—correction, unassimilable non-Western immigration—in action. According to the Herald Sun, Police officers in the state of Victoria, Australia, have been issued a religious diversity handbook that recommends special treatment for suspects of Muslim, Aboriginal, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, and Bahai background. For example, the handbook says that “in incidents such as domestic violence, police need to have an understanding of the traditions, ways of life and habits of Muslims.” Police are advised to consult the local Muslim religious leader who will work against “fragmenting the family unit.” The implication, a Muslim woman activist said, is that “one needs to be more tolerant of violence against Muslim women.” The story continues:

The guide also advises officers not to hold interviews with Aboriginal suspects or set court hearings during Aboriginal ceremonies involving “initiation, birth, death, burials, mourning periods, women’s meetings and cultural ceremonies in general”.

They are told to interview Baha’i suspects only after sunset in the fasting month.

And they are cautioned that when a Sikh is reading the Sikh Holy Script—a process that normally takes 50 hours—“he should not be disturbed.”

Imagine being a police officer and having to deal with a completely different set of protocols for suspects or witnesses every ethnicity. This is an illustration of the simple, obvious fact (obvious to anyone but a modern Western liberal) that people with radically different religions and ways of life cannot live under the same rule of law, the same ethos, the same expectations, and that to import such people into a society means its fragmentation. The West made a fatal mistake by opening itself to mass non-Western immigration. It’s a mistake that must be ended, and reversed.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 01, 2005 12:09 AM | Send

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