We know what the French did, but not why they did it

Here is the central point of Robert Spencer’s article at FrontPage Magazine on the Paris riots. Decades ago, as part of its accommodation to the Islamic world, France adopted a policy of welcoming Muslim immigrants and encouraging them to keep their culture, not expecting or requiring that they would share any basic values with the French. Unsurprisingly, the Muslims in France have no sense of themselves as being French. And that is the root of the anger that the brain-dead mainstream media falsely attributes to unemployment and social rejection. Far from rejecting the Muslims’ culture, the French welcomed and even subsidized it.

But—still inadequately explained by Spencer or by Bat Ye’or whom he quotes—why did the French do this? I understand that the French wanted an entente with the Muslims to use as a power base against the Americans. But how did this supposedly mutually beneficial arrangement between France and the Muslims require permitting the growth of an unassimilable Muslim population in France that would ultimately threaten the state?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 04, 2005 12:10 PM | Send

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