Why an intifada in France?

Here’s a stunner. A Frenchman living in North Africa sent this to John Derbyshire, who posted it at The Corner:

The Iraq war: as I had noticed very strongly in Tunisia a little more than 2 years ago, the opposition of France to intervention in Iraq has been perceived as a sign of weakness, and French are since considered as Dhimmis. The change of attitude from Arabs against French has been dramatic: now I know problems of security in Tunisia, and even in the French planes to go and come from there, and in Nice (French Riviera) Airport! This opposition, probably motivated by the money earned in Oil For Terror program and by threats from Saudi Arabia and Iran, has marked the end of France as a Western country (whatever one thinks about the Iraq war per se!).

Of course, this man’s opinion is pure assertion, with no evidence backing it up. But if true, it would mean that the consequences to the French of their fanatical and backstabbing opposition to the Iraq war have been the exact opposite of what they hoped and expected. By betraying the Americans for the sake of the Muslims, they not only gained the contempt of the Americans, but of the Muslims as well. Couldn’t happen to nicer people.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 05, 2005 07:08 PM | Send

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