PC, liberal and conservative

To the politically correct (in a liberal sense) mainstream media, the rioters in France are “youths.” To the politically correct (in a “conservative” sense) Captain Ed Morrissey, they’re “Islamists,” a word he uses repeatedly in his discussions of the French riots. It would be interesting to see an account of the Muslim conquests as written by the Captain: “In the seventh century, Islamists burst out of the Arabian peninsula, conquering Mesopotamia and Syria, crushing their Christian and Jewish civilization, and replacing it with Islamism…. Within a century of the death of Muhammad, the founder of Islamism, the Islamists had swept across North Africa, occupied Spain, and invaded France…. Over the course of three centuries, Islamist incursions into India had killed as many as 100 million Hindus…. According to the most authorititative Islamist legal traditions from the early Middle Ages, jihad is the sacred duty of all Islamists…. ”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 07, 2005 09:00 AM | Send

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