Things don’t look good

Bad news everywhere this morning. The French nation is still engaged in, not just appeasement,—that’s not a strong enough word—but a caricature of appeasement. Jerry Kilgore, a strong immigration law enforcment candidate, was defeated for governor of Virginia, with the wretched Jon Corzine winning in New Jersey, my native state which seems to have sunken into permanent political disgrace. Even the pro-Intelligent Design school board members in Dover, Pennsylvania were defeated for re-election.

Getting back to the French, it is worse than I would have expected. I would not have imagined that after 12 days of spreading massive arson the most that would happen would be that the French president would appear on tv for the first time during the crisis and say that he’s planning to have consultations about what to do. The complete absence of any response to the violence suggests that there is no element in the French state, or perhaps even the French nation itself, that wants France to live and survive. It looks as though the Muslim problem must get much worse before the French will rouse themselves, if they ever do. It is a horrifying thing to see. We seem to be looking at the death of the West. In which connection, a reader writes:

I believe the Moslem insurrection in France and the subsequent handling of it by the treasonous Chirac government has signaled that as of October, in the year of our Lord 2005, France has officially become an Islamic nation firmly positioned in the heart of Western Christian Europe. Furthermore, all the French people themselves can think about at this historic moment, is making their self imposed course of extinction more gentle by appeasing their overlords until they finally all die the demographic death predicted by Huntington, Buchanan et. al. Terribly sad, isn’t it?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 09, 2005 10:12 AM | Send

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