Life or death for France?

Paul Belien continues:

The worst may yet be to come. If the French authorities prove unable to restore law and order, then people, as mayor Pajon indicated, will “have to defend themselves.” France has a tradition of bloody revolutions and street fighting. It also has a tradition of violent “résistance“ to foreign occupation. If the state abdicates and the “youths” continue to go on the rampage, one can expect that some of the French patriots will fight back: The enfants de la patrie against the enfants de la Jihad. If the patriots fight it will prove that France still exists, but if they do not then clearly everything is lost.

Belien says, if the authorities are “unable” to restore order. Where is the evidence that they have even been trying?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 09, 2005 12:44 PM | Send

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