Only extreme action can now save France

A reader writes:

Reading the accounts of the native French acting like beaten slaves before the rioters—afraid even to defend themselves—tells me that France is basically lost. These people are already behaving like dhimmis. The only way I can see for France to be saved is for the government to be overthrown in a military coup. This would require a group of officers and soldiers able and willing to take the following steps:

1. Secure control over France’s nuclear arsenal.

2. Purge the military of all alien fifth-columnists, by any means necessary.

3. Arrest and jail all top government officials and shut down the treasonous media.

4. Crush the riots with brute force. Execute the ringleaders for treason.

5. Strip all Muslims and allies of citizenship and deport.

Are there any patriotic French military types left there who are willing to give the enemy invaders and their leftist enablers “a whiff of grapeshot”? If so, carpe diem. The time is at hand.

If there only dhimmis and Muslims left in France’s military, the game is over. Chirac, et al. will preside over the final dismantling of France in its transition to an Islamic state—one with nuclear weapons capable to striking the US.

It may be that there are no elements left in France as it now exists that have the requisite spirit to do what the reader calls for. Indeed, one gets the impression that the entire French people have been educated and formed in the leftist, anti-national “spirit of ‘68.” If true, then there will only be hope for a better leadership in France after a new, uncorrupted generation of Frenchmen arises, educated and formed by different principles, and determined to take back their country from the Musulmans, as the Spanish once took back theirs.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 09, 2005 03:30 PM | Send

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